Tanam NegaraTanam Negara

Tanam Negara

From $20.00

Tanam Negara is a unique dried magic mushrooms strain that was discovered and domesticated in the tropical region of Taman Negara, Malaysia. Tanam Negara thrives in hot and humid environments. The active components of this strain are not only enjoyed for its recreational use but also for its potential for mental health improvement.

SKU: tanam-negara Categories: ,


Identifying Tanam Negara Mushroom

  • Caps: Conical to convex shape, broadly convex or flat appearance. Unique reddish-brown colour, a distinctive feature not seen in other strains.
  • Gills: Adnate to adnexed attachment and transition from gray to nearly black as the mushroom matures.
  • Stems: Ranges from slender to thick, with white colour.

Potency & Effects

Tanam Negara’s effects range from mild to powerful psychedelic visions that brings you self-reflection and heightened awareness. Experience strong feelings of euphoria via shrooms delivery.

Additional information

Weight N/A

3.5g, 4 OZ, 7g, 14g, 28g, 2 OZ

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