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ZoomiesCanada.ca protects and respects your right to personal privacy. We operate under strict privacy policies in order to maintain the anonymity and privacy of all individuals accessing and/or using our website.



ZoomiesCanada.ca does not rent, sell or otherwise distribute personal contact information including names, addresses or other info about our customers to any other organizations, individuals or companies at any time, nor under any circumstances.



ZoomiesCanada.ca does not record or tract the Internet identity of individuals accessing or using our website. The Internet Service Provider (ISP) that we use, does track the internet identity of the servers that access our site, and will make that information available to us upon request. However, this information does not allow us to determine email addresses or any other personally identifying information about individual web users accessing our site. The Internet identity of the servers accessing our site is recorded and made accessible to us only as anonymous server information without any personally identifying factors.Â